It’s 2020! Pandemic, Protests, Riots and an Election!

A lot has happened this year.
And still 2 and a half months to go.

A health crisis.
Protests against police brutality. Police units to be defunded. Police told to stand down.
Riots in several cities.
Looters looting, an arsonist even set himself on fire.
BLM. ANTIFA. Patriots.
Black lives matter. All lives matter.
And if you don’t agree with one side, or the other, is anyone safe or does anyone’s life truly matter?

A presidential election.
Usually rational people now screaming. It’s easier to explain how much they hate a candidate than it is to explain why you should support their candidate. Seems more emotionally driven than rational. Might not be the best criteria to vote but that’s the current state of affairs.

And is anyone listening?
I’m not. Tips for surviving this election

And of course, for their own attention of course: celebrities, athletes, actors threatening to leave the country if (fill in the blank happens) “………..!” Are they really that self absorbed to think anyone cares?

And where is the media, the self proclaimed 4th branch of our country, our truth tellers?
Seems, like everyone else, they’re trying to pander to certain groups. Trying not to report the news but rather serve as influencers to the commoners.

Can we get to a point when, instead of fighting, we instead respectfully search for common ground to talk and find ways to make our lives better, our country better?

Hard to say, today.
But. I am optimistic. I do believe there is a majority, currently silent, that is slowly becoming tired of this state of affairs.

When the silent majority speaks.
Hopefully soon.

Stay safe.
Believe in the goodness of others.

remembering how to be happy together…with a cello!
click the link below

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