Tips for surviving this election

I’m done. This election. The attacks.
And not just from the candidates. Or the media.
It’s us.

I get supporting your candidate. But really, My candidate is all good, all right.. You’re candidate is a liar, a thief. Groups telling others how to live, Left wing, Right wing. Everyone polarized.
Self Described intellectuals berating the always perceived less smart.
People of faith hating.
It makes no sense. Up is down, down is sideways.

Take a look on your Facebook timeline. See any political posts?
Friends attacking friends for having a difference of political opinion. Attacks. Like “I wish you would die” attacks.

I once posted that you can’t change history. Its meaning I thought was obvious, you can only learn from history and try to avoid making the same mistakes. That post generated angry responses. One responded with 2 words – “Jim Crow” Not sure how that conclusion jump was reached. I didn’t ask. Maybe it’s the times.

I’m done. I don’t want to listen anymore. Or maybe I don’t want to be lectured, shamed, screamed at.
So here’s how I’m coping.
My tips.

1.Stop listening to the news. Right now! The media, mainstream or not, is not unbiased. None of them.
They never were, they simply reflect what their corporate owners think. Or want you to think. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s simply how corporations operate.

2.Remember that celebrities are just famous people. Hollywood isn’t real life. Actors are paid to memorize someone else’s words. They don’t automatically know more than you do.
They same goes for professional athletes. Politicians too.

3.Avoid talking to your friends about politics – ever.

4.Stop using social media! That media stopped being social a long time ago.

5.Determine your own set of values. Don’t follow the social influencers, the people who assume everyone must know their opinions on life and their way to live it.

6.You alone are responsible for how you Act. For how you React.
Simple life guide – Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be your own role model.

7.Remember that the US was founded on the principle of Freedom of speech. It’s OK to hold a different opinion. And everyone can have an opinion. But having one doesn’t always make that opinion right.

8.Avoid all contact with shouters. The ones who shout louder so they can drown out any attempt for meaningful discussion. Also, it’s best to walk away from anyone, any group, that resorts to name calling or stereotyping those who disagree with them.

9.Ignore the cancel culture. All people can make mistakes, we all deserve redemption and a chance to start over.

To sum up simply,
10.Think for yourself.


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