
It’s another new year. I’m still here.
So are you.
(thanks for reading)

Usually every January, I write a theme of how I’d like to live, to change, or to simply be more grateful in the new year.

I think this January I’ll try to live the year of the R’s.
Words that begin with the letter R.

Reduce. (obvious one)
There may be more but this is what I got this morning.

Everyday I try to take a walk. I think it’s good exercise, a way to enjoy nature. I have one rule though, I won’t go out if the temperature is below 20 degrees. Not wind chill but the actual temp. Or if there is a thunderstorm. So maybe 2 rules. (Realistic)

When I walk, if I notice a neighbor’s paper in my path, I’ll pick it up and throw it closer to the house. I used to be a paper boy and it was ingrained in me to make sure I always hit the front porch with the delivery. One thing I’ve noticed is that the newspapers today are very light. There’s no substance to it. The first time I tried to reposition (R word) the paper closer to the porch, with a slight breeze the paper blew in the opposite direction! After this experience, I merely walk the paper closer to the house. At 6 a.m. I don’t want the neighbors worried about a stranger approaching the house. And maybe I’ve provided some slight measure of convenience.

But this got me thinking during the rest of the walk. Why do people still subscribe to the local newspaper? Or any paper or magazine? Who has the time to sit and read. I do most of my reading via my phone or kindle while I’m waiting for something/one else.

Years ago, I subscribed to the local paper, a Chicago daily paper, and at times, the Wall St Journal. And a number of magazines too. Especially when a niece or three sell magazine subscriptions as a school fundraiser.

Today however, practically everything I read is online. News, sports, weather. There’s an app for everything readable. I select the topics I’m interested in and ignore everything else. I don’t need ads because I can research (R word) items when I’m ready.

I still have a couple of subscriptions to magazines. And I wonder now why I subscribed. I just don’t seem to be able to sit and read magazines either.

I think my first R word resolution this year will be easy. I will remove those 2 subscriptions by not renewing. ( A twofer!)

Ahh, accomplishing goals – that’s a nice feeling.

If this year’s resolutions get any easier, I’ll have to re-calculate the challenge.

Happy New Year!


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