I hate Diane Keaton

Really I do.

This past weekend must have been prom weekend in my town because I kept seeing kids dressed up. Really dressed up. Miechelle and I were eating at a restaurant when at least 20 prommers came in to eat. All dressed up. Well, the girls were. The guys had shirts and ties. No jackets. The girls, wow, I mean I remember the long gowns. I hated them. Today, long is out.

Made me think of my high school experience. Some people I know relive those days all the time. Whether it’s reunions or maybe because their kids are now in HS. I don’t know, but I usually don’t think of high school.

Except I did think of my communications class. The class my sophomore year that really got me to open up. In my mind at least that’s when it happened. Our teacher, Mr. O, was a nice guy who seemed to always to be exasperated by us in class. He had the patience of a saint or maybe was on probation for something and we were his sentence. He was trying to teach us all about communications – speaking, music, acting – you know communicating.

Our class did a play or show of some sort. I really don’t recall what we did but I was voted by my class as best actor or something like that. We even had an awards ceremony in the auditorium in front of the the entire sophomore class and I was called up to the stage to accept the award. As my name was called, I calmly walked to the stage, and accepted the “award.” Asked to make a few remarks, I graciously agreed. Looking out at the audience, I didn’t say a thing for a moment or two. Then I told my class mates that I was stunned and shocked and I had no idea I was even being considered to win an award. All lies. And then I pulled out pages of notes from my jacket pocket, and said “Luckily I just happened to have a prepared speech in my pocket for just these moments! I then thanked everyone I had ever known and stepped down to laughter and applause.

That was one of my highlights of high school.

So as I’m remembering all this in about 30 seconds, I then say to Miechelle that prom sure is different when I went to school. The girls in my (our) day certainly didn’t look like those of today.

To which she says, what are you talking about? Girls were just as pretty then as they are now. Now she may be right, but I’m talking about how they dress. So I tell her “That’s why I hate Diane Keaton.

“What, she’s very pretty, even now!”
Almost losing my point, I say “What, No she isn’t!”
So for the next few minutes we debate the attractiveness of actresses. Diane Keaton vs Michelle Pfeiffer. I don’t think either are that attractive but Michelle P is way better looking than Diane Keaton.

“So why do you hate Diane Keaton?”

“Because of the 70’s? Annie Hall? Diane Keaton was responsible for all the girls wearing these long dresses like they were going on a cross country wagon train! And shawls too. I was lucky to catch a glimpse of an ankle. And the ankle was covered by a sock!”

Now before you think I’m just a typical chauvinist, let me say this: I’m not attracted to either Diane or Michelle P because I’m married to my Miechelle, who’s most definitely is more attractive than either of them!

And back to prom, I still like today better.

Check the vid and see how real men ask a girl out to prom…

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