What does the state of the union mean for YOU?

OK, I admit, I haven’t heard the speech.

I have heard that Robert Gates wrote a book that wasn’t very flattering to the President.
OK, that’s what people in the cabinet do. They capitalize on their access to high office, make money too.

It’s not news if everyone is getting along greatly and singing kumbaya, right?

But wait, who am I to write about these things? I’m nobody, just like you. Yeah, I did run for political office, I won more than I lost but really what gives me the right to speak out?

Nothing, it’s only my opinion. Everyone has one, right?

Why do we put so much emphasis into this speech? It’s really only a campaign speech, right?

In Illinois, our governor will give his state of the state speech on Wednesday.

Why do we listen? Is it because we want the speechify-er to say something that gives us hope? Or ammunition to use against them?

Why waste our time?

I say – why don’t we just choose what’s best for us – NOW. Let’s not wait.

What can we do to make our lives better?

When I was the County Board Chairman in my home County (Illinois) I would say to my constituents (or those who would listen to a local politician) that local government was the government closest to the people. NOT Washington, DC. NOT Springfield (our state capitol).

Politicians aside, there really is NO DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN WAY TO Make Government Work!!!
Or to make our lives any better!!

If you don’t agree it’s OK.
But just listen to any politician assess blame – It’s always the people in the other party who’s at fault!

NO! It’s just US who have the ability to make our lives better.

NO grand promises from DC will make us better!

Now I don’t know what the President will say tonight. But it won’t make our lives any better. Picking on Congress won’t change our lives, making his legacy better won’t change our lives either.

Only we can do that.

Where do we start?

Be Happy. Be Grateful. Try to Make our Communities a better place to live.

That’s a real start.
And I didn’t have to criticize anyone else to make my point.

This blog is about Reaching Resolutions after all – not fighting unnecessarily.

Really, why can’t we be friends?


check out the link below.

Responses to “What does the state of the union mean for YOU?”

  1. Greg Tuite

    Well said John. Things have deteriorated since you were an elected official. At one time both sides worked to get things done. Now it is more a matter a personal agendas.

    1. Reachingresolutionsblog@gmail.com

      thank you Greg. You are too kind.

  2. Karen

    Ditto!!!!! Kg

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