I Resolve…..

Since the name of this blog and website IS Reachingresolutionsblog.com it makes sense (to me at least) that I also include MY resolutions that I want to reach this coming year.

I wanted to make these goals simple. If I can reach them or at the very least work towards them then my life can progress forward rather that simply feeling stuck, going nowhere.

I’ve read several of James Altucher’s books this past year as well as his blog, http://www.jamesaltucher.com and my resolutions were influenced my his writing.

Here goes:


1. BE Happy!
Sure everyone says they want to be happy but how many happy people do you actually know? I mean Happy! If I’m happy then I’m not allowing people, events, or circumstances making me upset, angry, impatient, etc. When I’m happy, then I feel better – mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Get the picture? Now of course there will be days when I won’t feel like being happy. Life throws curves you know. When that happens, I ‘ll write a list of things I’m grateful for, listen to a stand up comedian, or watch a happy video – then I can get back on track.
So I will try (everyday!) to Be Happy.

2. I will try to provide something of value for someone else. This is my “fancy” way of saying “Helping others.” It’s a good goal but providing value is more specific than to generically say “I want to help others.” It gives me a goal to perform – doing something which will provide a service, something of value to people I meet.

3. This one will be the hardest but it’s probably the most important. Altucher writes about the 4 types of people in the world and THE one type I want to avoid is “crappy people.” They are unhappy, mean, angry, negative and so on. They are the people who are so miserable in their own lives that they feed off of making the rest of us miserable. Whatever their personal life tragedy is, I can’t change it or them.

I’ve wasted so much time getting upset when I’ve had to deal with them that I got in the way of reaching goal number 1 above. Every second I think about them is a second I’ve wasted which I could have spent being happy. WHY are they treating me like that? Most likely I’ll never know. Best course of action – walk away. Don’t deal with them.

So, this year number 3 is Avoid Crappy People.

4. This one is sort of a corollary to number 3. If I don’t come across ANY crappy people then I better make sure I’M NOT THE CRAPPY PERSON in the group! Best way to do that? See number 1.

So there you have it. My goals for 2014. Why am I posting this? It is rather personal but by revealing these to all of you who read this then you can call me on my progress (or lack of). Yep, hold me accountable. Everyday I’ll be starting over and struggling.

And you know what? Maybe by posting this it will give me a head start on reaching number 2!

Check out the link below to watch a “Happy Video!
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Responses to “I Resolve…..”

  1. Paula

    Your 2014 goals are GREAT!!! Love especially #3!!!!

    1. Reachingresolutionsblog@gmail.com

      Thanks, # 3 will be tough!

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