What’s Your Name?

No, my name isn’t really Jack!

I wrote recently about how a co worker of several years called me one day and asked that question. She was confused after I had introduced my “jack” proposals at a negotiation session. That got me thinking about nick names.

You know, names we give each other. Other than our given name.

I’ve been doing it all my life. When I was really younger, like 2, my mom said I began calling my sister Karen “Abby.” Why, I don’t know. Maybe it was because I couldn’t pronounce her name but “Abby” doesn’t even sound like “Karen”.
And I guess I’ve been doing it ever since. Usually, I’d just take a similar sounding version of someone’s name. Or apply a characteristic or behavior and give it a name, Maybe use initials.

I’ve even given myself a nick name or two.

It seemed to me that everyone should have a different name. Something else to identify them. Hey, we live in America after all! We need at least 2 of everything!

And it’s a term of endearment! Like “Peter the Chin”! “Little Joe” or “Johnny No Nose”!

I was named after my dad. So I’m a junior. I was the only one of us 5 kids that my mom got to name.

My brother said my dad took one look at me when I was born, turned to my mom and said, “You name him!”
Don’t think it’s true but it’s still funny to me.
Mom won’t confirm it though.

John is/was a fairly common name, but I always thought “Terranova” was not.
Unless you attempt to friend all the other Terranovas in the world on Facebook like I did.
Worldwide, “Terranova” is more common that I thought.

And I never liked to call someone by their last name or be called by mine. It isn’t like the military where that’s the nicest reference you’ll hear. It doesn’t sound very friendly.
“Hey Terranova!”
See what I mean?

But a nick name?
It implies friendly familiarity. Even if it’s meant to be funny or sarcastic.

Here is a list of most of the nicknames I’ve had – either given or self named:

“Jr”, “Johnny”, “Johnnie”, “Johnnie T”, “Nifty T”, “Captain Boomerang” (when I was a super hero), “T”, “Terry”, “Super Nova” (self named when I was the center of the universe), “Travolta” “Jack” (by my English teacher), “Stud”(pretty sure this was given to me and not a self name, hard to remember), “tarantula”, “Diavalo” (thanks Aunt Lily, think she meant “divine”) “Johnny Newland”, “JAT” and finally “JT”. Oh and Luca called me NuNa once instead of Nanu. He’s learning the art of nicknaming too!

(editor’s note: All names carrying even the slightest hint of derogatory or obscene connotations have been removed to protect my grandchildren who may one day read this blog. For example all words with “hole”, dumb s..t”,etc)

But others, too also get nicknames: I’ve known a: “Coco”, “Shelly”, “Micshelle”, “MyBride”, “Nik-a-lik”, “NeeCola”, “KK”, KrisTopper”, “SayG”, “SaraG”, “CJ” (after deciding the name Candyapple sounded too much like a stripper), “Can-Dice”, “SIL”, “bob”, little cj, Princess, “LJsonofCJ”, “NIcoPico”, “CoNi”, “NorCon”, “LynnKate”,”pally”, “mini me”, “lucapuca”, “buddyboy”, “The other JT”, “JT 2.0” (I like this one!) “W”, “sta-pufmarshmellowman”, “Smiley”, and of course “Bohds.” And always there is a “poopaloop”.

Have you ever met: “Pops”, “Beaky”, “The Blonde”,”D3″, “triple d”, “Sam-I-am”, “Scory”, “BJ”, “bon ami’s friend”, “bargarmeister”, “Jeffy”, “peterlouis”, “Robbo”, “CA”, “The Nett”, “DC”, “Little Lou”, “CA lite”, “JoAnn-no space”,”JoJo”, “LouieG”, “BrotherLou”, “Louiechooch”,”louie-shoe”, “TKO”, “JM”, “KG”, “kiki”,”LT”, “MP” “Reet”,”Scooter”, “BW”, “JW” (Female-don’t call me Jenny!) “JW” (Male – we’re almost the same age) “NancyBoy” “Fig”, “crazy cousin”, or “heycuz”?

I’m happy to say I know them all.

Why nicknames?
Simple, they’re easier to remember.
Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen someone and called them by the first name that pops up in my head.
And it’s usually wrong. As my mom says, there’s so many files in my head it just takes a while to find the right one!

But nick names?
I smile every time I say them.
And I know I’ll be right each and every time.

So what’s your name?


Check out lynard. Call me the breeze…

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