Ramblings, part 2
I hope you’ve enjoyed these posts I was telling my daughter Niki today, that while I enjoy blogging it’s also somewhat therapeutic. For me that is, maybe you too. So today is Friday and once again bitterly cold outside. I thought if there was a day for Rambling, today is it. I’m in kind of […]
OK so today is Sunday – The Bears won’t play until Monday night against the Packers so what to do, what to do…? This blog is about negotiating or, more to the point, Reaching Resolutions. Catchy, right? So…… what exactly does the word negotiate mean?? Per Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary: Negotiate ne·go·ti·ate verb \ni-ˈgō-shē-ˌāt, ÷-sē-\ : […]