What DO WE Want???
Easy question. What do you want? Often times it’s not so easy. There’s so much to choose! Maybe I want this one, Or that One! I can’t decide!! HELP! Truth is many times we don’t know what we want. And so: Rule #5 Know What You Want! You’ll never be a successful negotiator – in […]
OK so today is Sunday – The Bears won’t play until Monday night against the Packers so what to do, what to do…? This blog is about negotiating or, more to the point, Reaching Resolutions. Catchy, right? So…… what exactly does the word negotiate mean?? Per Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary: Negotiate ne·go·ti·ate verb \ni-ˈgō-shē-ˌāt, ÷-sē-\ : […]