Each day

Here I am. It’s early morning.
Wondering what today will bring.

I don’t check the weather every day. Nothing I can do about it.
Just need to know if it’s raining, if it is I won’t go for a walk.
But then again, maybe I will.

I think of what my day will be like. I look for activity not busyness.
I focus on my personal checklist.
Everyday I continue my daily practice.
I learned this years ago from a book by James Altucher.

Each day, I exercise my 4 areas of personal concern. The 4 legs to my good health table.
The Physical, Spiritual, Emotional and Mental legs.

Taking care of my physical self, I work out in some way everyday. I’m not training to run a marathon, or bike my way across country. Just do enough to keep my self tuned up.

My spiritual workout consists of meditation. Spending time each day looking for my innercalm. Looking for peace, learning gratitude.

Emotionally, I’m still learning to let go. To hold myself more accountable, more so than I hold others to that standard. I need this so I can concentrate on what’s more important to me. Not the news of the day, not to impress others. But to enjoy each day. With my bride, my kids, friends. I try not to allow the crappy people in the world dominate my thoughts. And I also try to insure I’m not the crappy person in someone else’s life.

My mental workouts? I try to write everyday stretching my creative muscle. Not always for publication but to write in order to learn to think again. To be creative. I try to write down ten ideas everyday. 10 ways to be a better negotiator. 10 ways to be a better son. 10 ideas on how the future may look. 10 ideas to write a blog post on self defense. 10 ideas for inventions to make my life easier. 10 people in history I’d like to meet.

With all this practice, I’m still not a finished product, but that’s the point. The end will come soon enough.
In the meantime the journey is mine.
I feel good.