life thoughts – long story short

why does everyone who says they’re just trying to please everyone else
always suck at it?

what’s up with needing to spend all our time trying to gain the attention of others
when we don’t spend near enough time paying attention to our own needs

i once imagined my life was a movie
so i acted how i thought my role would turn out.
reviews are still coming in

if you say i’m judgmental and that’s a bad thing,
is it just a good thing when you do it?

ever meet anyone who admits to being a liar?
me neither.

i think it’s easier for others to become more flexible,
so that way i don’t have to

don’t be angry when you tell me another person is talking about me
and i go ahead and confirm with that person

i sometimes just like making points
disregard at your own peril

i laugh at my own jokes
why not, they’re funny

each one of us is really 3 people
the person i think i am, the person you think i am and of course
the one i really am

i’m learning not to assign intent
even though i know exactly what you meant

i hate meetings
my mind wanders too

i remember being told repeatedly
“don’t do what i do,
do what i say”

i was told once i had a temper.
i was surprised to hear
others were surprised i was

the truth is sometimes in the middle of the extremes
sometimes it actually is the extreme

i used to warn others
“if you do this (negative) to me i will
repay you 100 times”

i’ve matured
10 times is probably enough

everyone has quirks
i have one
it changes daily

To survive in life
avoid the crossfire

oh and one more
don’t ever ask for questions

long story short

classic john mayall click it