Remember that after shave commercial years ago. You know the one where a guy gets slapped in the face and then responds “Thanks I needed that.” Ever had one of those moments? I do,…a lot.
click the link below:
That was me in the commercial. No, not literally but that’s how I’d react. When I think all is well and am making progress on whatever I’m doing, I tend to slack off a bit. No longer focused solely on the prize, I start getting a little too comfy. I get distracted. I procrastinate. And then smack! I get one right in the face!
Then I’d scream. Scream and get angry.
First I would get angry at who or whatever knocked me down. Then I’d get angry at myself for once again drifting off the path I thought I had committed to follow.
What happened? I’d get complacent. Stopped working. I still wanted the results but I didn’t want to work as hard. Thinking I had everything down, I began to let other influences grab my attention.
Does this happen to others? Or just me? Beats me.
But after getting slapped silly repeatedly over the years, the old light bulb gradually turned on. (nothing’s ever easy.) I came to realize the slap I got was exactly what I needed at the time. It’s as if the universe said, “There he goes again!” And whack! Kind of bringing me back to center. “Pay attention” was the message.
Now when the slap happens, to be honest I still get angry but not for long. Instead I now try to understand what happened and why, then correct whatever I need and get refocused. And, as long as I’ve been doing this I’ve noticed that although I do still get “slapped” it’s not as often.
Now I look like the guy below.
Click link below.
In this month of Thanksgiving, maybe it’s fitting that we show gratitude to the force in our life that gets us back on track.
And say “Thanks, I needed that!”
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