5 Rules

I wrote a book on negotiating.
Reaching Resolutions 10 Rules for Success


Reaching Resolutions 10 Rules for Success.

What if we could reduce our entire life’s work to only 5?
5 Simple rules?

Rules that would allow us to get on with our lives. To get ahead.
To resolve disputes, to eliminate anxiety.

And what if they are easy to remember, too?

If you’re faced with a dilemma at the office you can use them.
If you’re in a feud with someone, they work here too.
If you’re trying to get ahead, make millions, follow these 5 rules.

Here they are:
Rule #1
Don’t make anything into a personal issue!
Most likely it wasn’t meant that way.
Even if it was, so what!

Rule #2
Really, I mean it!
Don’t take it Personal!
See Rule #1 above.

Rule #3
Research, Investigate, find out the back story.

Rule #4
Review your options. What have you done in the past?
Are there guides, mentors that can help you weigh your options?

Rule #5
Respond timely.
Make your decision and roll with it.

There you go.
Life (re)solved.


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