
What are they?
You should know.
Do you?

My priorities are mine. Yours are probably different.
My boss may be different too.

I get it. At the job, the boss reigns. I follow his priorities.
The whole big picture thing.

Now to be sure, if the job’s priorities conflict with mine, my choice should be clear – I need to leave.
Unless I can reconcile mine with his.

The biggest challenge?
Not giving up mine to theirs.
Easier said?

Of course, in the organization structure, if I am the subordinate I follow direction. But if I’m going in a different direction which conflicts with my goals then I need to move on.

I’ve done it before. It’s not easy either.
I was once an elected official. Eventually I discovered that my stated priority, helping others, was in conflict with the prevalent view which was all about winning elections, no matter what.
So I quit.

I founded a charity.
Which I will boast has helped more people than I ever did in elected office.
I started a charity

It took me awhile to understand that continuing the status quo sometimes only yields the same results.
If your are standing in a box, stepping out may be your only alternative to move forward.

I’ve quit a job once when I felt the way forward to my priority was blocked and I needed to recharge. To reset.

I didn’t know what lay ahead but I was ready to move, I couldn’t go on.
Does it always work out?
It did for me although I didn’t know it at the time.

But I was happier.
And that, I discovered, was one of my top priorities.
What are yours?


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