Here Today – Update

I wrote this post last November. After I went to a friend’s party.

He passed away this week.
Many will miss him. He loved parties. I’m happy he enjoyed his own party last fall. He planned it all, too.

This year certainly hadn’t been easy for him.
But oh, did he enjoy his life. Everyone who knew him has a favorite story.
Here’s one more.
He told it to me with great pride, actually he told it to everyone he met.

A few years ago on New Year’s Eve, the last night a favorite local Italian restaurant was opened, before closing their doors for good, he did one last thing.

On the last night of the year, on the last night the restaurant would be open, He bought the last round of drinks. For everyone.

And that was Vito. To the end.
Rest in peace.

Our charity is having a party this weekend. I’m pretty sure Vito will be looking down and smiling.

From November 2016

I went to a party last night. A going away party.
The special guest just found out he has only a few months to live. I saw him and gave him a hug.
I told him something like “hang in there.”
Of all the things I could have, should have, said that’s what I came up with.
Hang in there.

He looked at me, probably feeling my awkwardness and responded by thanking me!
Then he said “You’ll never know how much it means to me that you came.”

And then he gave me another hug.
Like he was comforting me.

I write about reaching resolutions.
And one of the most important points is to know what you want.
In negotiations. In your work. In your life.
But I’ve come to discover that part of knowing what you want is coming to the realization that, in the whole scheme of things, not much I seek is very important.

And one major lesson learned is that today is very important.
Because it’s all the time I know I have.
Yesterday is gone. Too late to worry over.
Tomorrow may not ever come to pass.

My friend enjoyed his party. Seeing all those who made it out. To talk, to visit.
He seemed as happy as I’ve remembered.
He told stories, made jokes about us all.
A crack about one guest’s ability in his mid 60’s to still keep his hair color permanently black.
Or the time he went to jail. In a tux. Overnight. And how that night he truly found religion.
There were alot of stories.

He was living in the moment. And he was happy.

I don’t know when I’ll see him again.
But I do know this, he left me with as good advice as I’ve ever received.
Live each day. I may not be granted a tomorrow.

Take care my friend.

We aint’ ever getting older.

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