
Yep that’s me.
As in, JT is a Douche.

It started with JT is a liar posted at work sites. And now I’m a douche.
In between there was JT must go!
Baghdad John. And then Johnny Boy T. And Johnny Mafia. Even Vinnie Terranova
That’s at least 2 ethnic slurs but I suppose hating for the “right” reason makes it right.

Today I got an email reminding me I don’t speak for anyone and was sent a poem about the holocaust.
Yes, The Holocaust.
And then I got one telling me to SHUT UP!

What have I been up to?
Just doing what I do.

I negotiated a contract.
We drove a hard bargain.
We negotiated at the bargaining table longer this time than any other contract with this union since the beginning of collective bargaining in the mid 1970’s.

Let me repeat that, we negotiated with this union longer than any other union.
Longer than any other contract.
In the history of this state.

They didn’t take me seriously. I warned them too.
We’re broke. We needed to make changes.

We played by the rules they agreed to. We finally said enough is enough.

I wrote before about losing a friend. I recently lost a friend…..

That was just the start. I know why too. She’s scared. So are the others calling me names. Even those sending me gifts. Nice Try
Really, I did receive a bag of candy penises.
I can’t give them away, no one wants to eat them.

They’re scared about what their future holds for them. I get it too.

They don’t like it that I’ve been reaching out and answering questions from employees. Or that I’m trying to set the record straight, giving out information. They don’t like that we are engaging and responding.

In years past, we never responded. No matter what.
The other side controlled the information flow. Not surprising it was always one sided.
Not this time around.
And they’re mad.
At me.

With all the anger how do we ever Reach a Resolution?
Here are 3 keys to follow.

Never take the attacks personally.
Always play fair and tell the truth.
Represent the interests of your principals to the best of your ability.

Eventually you’ll get there.
Trust me, you will.

Labor peace be with you.
Oh, and for the record, I only hate haters.


Love some funk.
atomic dog.

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