what is it you want?

That is the question of the day.
What do you want?

I think most would say I want to:

Get ahead.
Get more than you!
Get that promotion
The recognition
The acknowledgement
The..whatever it is that sets me apart.

Wait, I’ll do whatever you want. Tell you what ever you want to hear!

I used to want all of this and more.
Not anymore.

Now, I notice those who act like I used to.

Today, I just want to be content.
Happy with what I already have.
That’s my new secret.
Be content.

Does this seem controversial? Does it not fit in with your expectations?


Sometimes I think we try to get all that we can get.
When is it too much?

I’ve come to realize that in order to get more, we just have to be grateful with what we do have.
The more we are grateful for what we have, the more we’ll realize just what we DO have.
Then it seems that to get more we just have to be more grateful.
The more we are grateful then..the more we will have.

I’m not implying we have to be “Settlers.” Great Ad though.

It’s just we need to know what we want, know what we already have and then go from there.

But this rule to follow is simple.

Be content.
That’s it.

Content. Strive to get there.

I’m trying.
This is my week.
Yes she left me.
Just for a week.
Yes she’ll be back.

But in the meantime

she’s not there

and now the…
the grey water soup commercial…

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