how to beat your worst enemy

Yes this post can definitely help you.
Beat your worst enemy.
First things first, though.
Just Who is it?

Rule #1 Who is your worst enemy? You must find out.

I often thought it was who ever I was negotiating against.
They had to be. I mean who else?

Or maybe it was those people who didn’t believe in me. The ones who doubted my ability, the naysayers.

So how to defeat them? Who ever they may be.

It just seems to me that before you can beat your adversity, you first need to know who they are.
So here is my revelation. What I discovered.

To beat your enemy you first have to discover who is really holding you back.
My discovery? It was me.

Stay tuned.


Response to “how to beat your worst enemy”

  1. Bill

    Often true JT, often true. Sometimes it’s your own team; sometimes it’s higher up the food chain.

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