nothing really matters

Nothing matters?
Really? Can that be true?

I’ve sometimes wondered what the rush is for. You know why we do what we do.
Is it for ourselves? Or do we do what we do to fit someone else’s view of how the world should look?

Is it just me? Am I showing my wisdom highlights?
Years ago, I wanted to show everyone I was ready. I was able to fit in.
To what? I don’t remember now.
I’m pretty sure it was me maybe, more likely I was trying to fit what someone else thought was important.

I ran and was elected to a public office -several times. Did I make a difference?
I’m not really sure. It’s OK though.

Everything I did, tried, succeeded in or failed, led me here.
I survived.

I didn’t have to overcome a serious illness. Just everyday life.
I am amazed when I witness others overcoming health issues, cancer, heart attacks strokes, accidents.
My struggles are minor. maybe not always to me but in the overall picture of the universe.
Certainly in comparison to others.

I discovered this one constant.
No one really cares about any pronouncements I felt I had to make.
What I believed was very important to say.

I once knew a guy. Good guy basically.
He tried to always let everyone know he was their friend.
He over promised. “I can do that!”
Problem was he never really took the time to understand what he offered to do.
More often than not, he couldn’t do what he promised to do.
Life did eventually catch up to him. The universe always does.
As he tried to please everyone, he ended up pleasing no one.

I did that too.
And I am very lucky to be here living the life I have.
Right now. Despite everything I did to self sabotage things.

And eventually I found out something.
I found out what really does matter.

It may be different for everyone.
To me it’s my family, my friends, my little piece of the world. I know this.
But I still forget, a lot.

That’s another reason I write this blog.
To remind me of things I need to remember, things I’m working on resolving.

I used to think I was invincible.
I’m not.



In spite of me
(I’m not…)

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