April Fools. It’s just another day.

The other day it was April 1st.
April Fools day.

I text my older sister to say happy birthday. I’m sure she’s heard many jokes over the years about having this day as a birthday.

Mostly from my brother. Maybe me too. But not today.
I’m more mature than my brother.

After texting her I get in my car to drive to the office when my phone rings. It’s my daughter Sara calling but she doesn’t respond when I say hello.
Instead I hear some muffled sounds before I make out the words “Purple” and “House”
“What?” I say.

Then Sara speaks, “Dad, it’s Bodhi. He wants to tell you something.”
Only after asking him to repeat what he said 3 times did I make out “You have a purple house.”
I do? Why do I have a purple house?”
And then it came, “April Fools!
Bodhi is 2.

Not to be outdone by his younger brother, Wilder, who’s 4, says “Knock, Knock.”
“Who’s there?”
“Baby who?”
“Baby YOU!” Complete with squeals of laughter.
He got me.

So I say, “Wilder how come you’re eating Donut’s food?”
Donut is his dog.
“I’m NOT eating Donut’s food!!”
I did manage to say “April Fool’s” but I don’t think he cared for my juvenile humor.
I’m sure he thinks I insulted his intelligence.

Meanwhile, now at my office finishing up another conference call I get a text. This one was from Nico, my oldest grandson. He’s a teenager now. Happy Birthday Nico!

He texts me that he won $50 from the McDonald’s monopoly game. $50! Awesome, I text back.
“Now you can pay for the Batman vs Superman movie we’re going to this afternoon.”
After a while, his dad texts him too. “HA HA Congrats!!”

And then Nico responds.
April Fool’sssssssssssss!

I’m paying for the movie after all.

Did I ever mention I always wanted to be a stand up comic?
Guess I’ve passed that gene on.


check out another Funny John in the vid link below.

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