How i fill out my “want” list

I think I know what I want. I should know.

Sure I want…? Uh, more.
More of what? Well everything.
That’s probably why I almost never get “more.”
There always so much going on , so many things to do, so much to choose…

It’s one of the first things I ask my side when we prepare for negotiations.
Tell me what you want.
Trust me it’s not easy. Like me, the answer isusually always more.

How do we define “more.”
Exactly more of what?

I write things down. Not just because I’m forgetful. Writing seems to help put everything in perspective.
When I’m with the team I give them this list of topics:

What change would you like to see?
What is broken and needs to be fixed?
What costs/expenses needs to be addressed?
What do you need to operate more efficiently?
What would make you the happiest?
What are you trying to accomplish?

It helps as a starting the discussion tool.

When I’m working on my own wants I use the same topics. And then I write down my answers.

Whatever pops in my mind, I write down. They may be dumb or even bad suggestions but writing them down seems to spark the creative section in my mind. One suggestion leads to another then another.
Then I’m able to see what it is I want. A kind of blueprint.

I try to do this everyday, to get focused on what I “want” for that day.

You may think this is nothing more than a To Do list but it’s more than that.
It’s not to remind me what I need to get done before Miechelle gets home.
No, I’s a list of what I want. I may have daily weekly or long term wants.
This is how I figure it out.

This actually works for me. To gain my focus.
What I want.


And then sometimes I just want crazy.

Response to “How i fill out my “want” list”

  1. I like to write wants and ideas out too. I think it does help with sparking the creativity

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